
You and Him

Sometimes God asks us to do hard things.  Maybe it is leading a bible study, maybe it is getting up at a certain time of the day and spending it in the Word, maybe it is a job change for the Kingdom, maybe it is singing in the choir - often times God asks us to do things that make us feel uncomfortable.  For me it was head covering (but that's a topic for another post one day). The point is, what is hard for you may not be hard for me, and vice versa.

But no matter what, I guarantee that it gives you pause, it makes you think, and sometimes it probably makes you fear.  What if I'm not good enough?  Surely someone can do this better?  What if I don't have time to commit to that?  What will people say about me?  Will I look weird?  Who's going to judge me?

No matter what the Lord is calling you to do today - no matter what you think people will say or think or believe - just do it!  I have heard it over and over that the Lord does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.  The Lord has called you to do something to uplift the Kingdom, something He is going to get the glory for in the end.  Don't worry about what others think because in the end it isn't about you and them, it's about you and Him.

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