
She Prayed...God Answered

The hush fell over the crowd as Jesus was raised on the cross.  Standing nearby was the woman who had spent 30 years of Jesus’ life raising him, caring for him, teaching him, loving him – his mother, Mary.  She wasn’t alone, as she stood with her sister Mary and Mary Magdalene.  The disciple whom Jesus loved, who we believe to be John, stood with them as well.   (John 19:25 NLT)  But I imagine even surrounded by people she must have felt utterly alone.  She had to stand by and watch as her son was spit upon and cursed.  Her son who had committed no sin. Her child, her firstborn, her miracle from God was going to die and there was nothing she could do about it.  There can be no greater suffering than for a mother to watch her child in pain and know there is nothing she can do about it.  To make matters worse, Mary must have known that this was part of God’s plan from the beginning. 

Mary and Jesus spent more years of his life together than Jesus did with his disciples.  We know very little about Jesus’ early life, except for a few small scenes in his early childhood.  What we do know was that as a young fourteen year old girl, Mary trusted God enough to carry his son, to birth him and to raise him.  I imagine at some point in the thirty years that Mary and Jesus were together that they might have had a conversation about his death.  I often imagine that Mary knew what was going to come and how her son was going to suffer.  Did she watch her son everyday wondering when this day would come? Did she pray for God to change His mind? She trusted God enough to carry His son, now she had to trust Him to take her son from her.

She could have left.  There was nothing that required her to stay at the cross and watch Jesus die.  She could have said her goodbyes and gone so she didn’t have to watch the tragedy unfold.  But she stayed.  Mary stayed because she loved her son.  She couldn’t walk away from him anymore than I could walk away from my children in their suffering.

I’m sure Jesus knew what difficulty it was for his mother to watch him.  And we know that he was concerned for her because we are told in John 19:26-27 that Jesus told Mary that John was now her son and told John that Mary was now his mother.  Even as he was hanging from the cross, he was honoring the woman who had birthed him and raised him.  A scene of tenderness at a time of great sorrow.

So here Mary was, watching her child take his last breaths and commit himself to God’s plan.  I have to believe that even when that was happening that Mary trusted God.  How could she not?  She had seen his works, she had talked to his angels, and she had carried his son.  Every day for thirty years she had witnessed a miracle.  

She had thirty years’ worth of memories – smiles, hugs, kisses, laughter, prayers – thirty years to carry her through his loss and the rest of her life.  I have to believe that as Mary watched, she prayed for strength, for peace and for Jesus’ suffering to be over quickly. She prayed – and God answered.

Mary trusted God and honored God with her obedience, and for that he heard her prayers and answered them just as he hears the prayers of the righteous man. (Proverbs 15:29 NLT)  That’s why when we pray for strength in difficult situations and trials, He hears us and He answers.

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