
5 Minutes With God

It is easy in our day to day life to get weighed down with all there is to do.  On any given day I find I am running around putting out fires at work and then fires at home.  My mind is always moving to what needs to get done next, how many piles of laundry I have, the dishes that never seem to end, what we are going to eat for dinner, homework for the girls, and my list goes on and on.  Everyday life bogs us down and as much as we may want to spend hours in God’s word, if we are honest with ourselves, it rarely happens.  And often the time we spend with Him is disrupted with thoughts still yet of what we need to get done and what won’t. 

If I’m being honest, I would love to be able to spend hours studying the Word, reading devotionals, working on the blog - that's where my heart's desire is at the moment.  But that isn’t how my life tends to go.  Things have been so busy in my life that I cannot devote the time to the things I want to - trying to get blog posts up lately because of work and the girls has been a trial in frustration for example - but yet I persist.  

That is the great thing about God though, no matter what, it isn’t the quantity but the quality of time we spend with Him.  He knows we lead busy lives because He is with us during the busiest of times, but He still desires for us to make time for him.  If you only have five minutes to spare, then spend that time with God and make it worthwhile.  During that five minutes you have devote that time completely to God – focus on thanking him for that time, meditate on a particular scripture, or spend that time in praise and worship.  Try not to think about what you need to get done but put your sole focus on God and His goodness to you.  Because it’s not about how much time you have but what you do with it. 

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