
Easter Series: Jesus and the Thief

Most people never think about the two sinners on each side of Jesus as he hung on the cross.  It’s understandable because our focus tends to be on Christ as he is enduring his last hours.  The two sinners represent those of us in the world – one who doesn’t believe and cannot except who Jesus is; the other willing to recognize that Jesus is the Messiah – sinless, perfect, and the only way into the Kingdom of Heaven.

We know nothing of the thief’s background – no name, no record of his crime, no age.  What we do know was that while he was hanging from his own cross, he recognized the divinity of Jesus.  He tells the other criminal, who has been taunting and mocking Jesus, that they deserve their punishment but that Jesus does not because he has committed no sin, Jesus has done nothing that he has been accused of. (Luke 23:41 NLT)

 The thief understood more about Jesus’ teachings than some of the disciples at the moment.  Here was Jesus in the midst of the ultimate suffering.  Jesus had been beaten, nailed to a cross, and was struggling to breath.  His lungs were filling with blood as he slowly suffocated.  It was one of the most gruesome forms of death at the time.  Jesus wasn’t worried about his own suffering, Jesus wasn’t worried about his own death.  He knew his place was with his Father, he knew where he was going.  But he was worried about the repent sinner hanging next to him.  Jesus was dying and yet he was concerned about the heart’s cry of a man he didn’t even know.  When the thief cried out “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom” (Luke 23:42 NLT), there was no doubt for him what Jesus’ answer would be.  Jesus promised that the thief would join him. (Luke 23:43 NLT)  This act of forgiveness and pardoning of sins is often overlooked but here was Jesus dying and yet he is concerned about where this sinner would spend eternity.

One thief was going to die and spend eternity in Hell.  The other was going to die knowing that he would be with Jesus, that Jesus would not forsake him – what blessed assurance.  Today we have that same assurance if we profess our love and belief in Christ.  With his death on the cross and the tearing of the veil, Jesus opened a way for sinners like us to get to God.  We have only to repent and accept Jesus and we too can be like the thief and join Jesus in Heaven someday.


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