
...and if not, He is still good

So many times in life we find ourselves in situations that we need or want God to fix.  Maybe our financial situation, our health, our jobs or our marriages.   Sometimes the things we need fixing are small, and sometimes they are so big and outside of the realm of our human possibilities that we question how they will ever change.

We inherently believe that our God is the God of Miracles...nothing is too big, or small, for our God.  The problem that we encounter is that even though God can fix, heal, change anything - sometimes he doesn't.  Sometimes God says "no."

For the past nine years, this momma has prayed to God to heal my child and I have not received an answer to that prayer.  Everyday for nine years I have gone to him and still He is silent on the issue, but I continue to pray because that is what we momma's do and it is what my God commands me to do. 

In God's goodness He often does not reveal our future or change His plans just to fit our wants or needs.  Sometimes God says "no" to what we want the most, or what we think we want, because He sees the big picture.  God knows what saying "yes" would mean - perhaps the closing of a door too soon, or not going through a test and then missing the opportunity to have a testimony, or missing something amazing He has planned down the road for that loved one that will bring glory to the kingdom and saying yes would mean it would never happen.  Sometimes God has to say "no."

This is where our faith is strengthened, when we must rely on God to help us accept the things we can't change.  To accept that somethings may remain the same and that whether we understand it or not we just have to trust that the Lord is doing what is best for us. Romans 8:28 reminds us "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him."

God may not change our situation but He also tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "Pray without ceasing..." So, we continue to pray that the Lord will fix it, change it, and answer our prayers

...and if not, He is still good.

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