
Be Still

The TV is going, the house phone is ringing, the kids are arguing, your husband is yelling from the kitchen that he can't find the cereal even though it's right where you told him. 
Noise       Noise      Noise
It is so easy to get distracted by the noise of our daily lives and all that we have going on.  It can be hard to cut off the world around us and find that quiet place.

Sometimes that noise bleeds over in our quiet time with the Lord.  I sit down with my cappuccino to study the Word and my cell phone vibrates with a text or the kids wake up from their sleep or my husband is still looking for that elusive cereal.  And even if it is quiet and I'm not disturbed by things, my mind is still filled with noise - the "to do" list I need to get done, the bills we haven't paid, Satan mentioning some long forgotten failure - the list could go on and on.

But, in Psalm 46:10, the scripture tells us to "Be still and know that I am God."  Even when we are drowning in constant noise, the Lord offers us a quiet refuge, a place to seek Him and calm our minds.  God knows we are bombarded with life's business but He still offers us an opportunity to rest in Him, to hide away in His presence. 

So the next time you find yourself drowning in the noise - Be Still.

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