
Well Hello....Again

Yes, I know, I promised to be back and it’s been a while but once again LIFE.  It is inevitable that life is going to creep up and bite us when we least expect it.  I would love to tell you that while I’ve been gone that I won the lottery, moved to a tropical island and everything has been sunshine and roses but I don’t want to lie to you.  Life has been an absolute mess for the last several months and I have had to adjust to more things than I ever thought possible…..dome good, some bad, some just some. 

The one thing I have held on to though has been Jesus…..He has been my guide and my comforter; my shield and fortress as life battered the walls of my heart; the anchor as my ship of belief was tossed.  I’ve come out on the other side stronger and only because the Lord has never once left my side.  So I’d love to say that I’m going to be back full time, every day but I don’t want to deceive myself or you.  So, I’ll be back, as life allows and more importantly as the Spirit leads me.  I’ve learned so much since April and since my world tilted on its axis and I hope to be able to share the things I’ve learned as I know the Lord has given me a story to tell.

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