
Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

I'm pretty sure that when Jesus called Peter to step out of the boat that there was some hesitation.  I don't know that for certain but I have to imagine that Peter, like many of us, would have had to pause and assess the situation.  I'm on a boat, in the middle of a lake, with a storm blowing, and now Jesus wants me to get out of said boat and walk to Him.  Peter, a mortal man, was going to WALK on water....sure.  But he did.  Peter walked out on the water.....until he became afraid and started to sink.  Peter had to step out of his comfort zone to go and meet Jesus on the water.

So many times in our lives we are like Peter.  We want to walk out and do what Jesus is calling us to do but we are fearful.  It's scary to be out of our comfort zone!  We become fearful of what others will think, what others will say, fearful of what it may cost us (and I don't mean just a monetary cost), fearful of whether we can carry out his commandments. 

Recently God called me to do something.  Well, let me correct that...He called me a while ago and I put if off.  I put it off because I was fearful of what others would think, of whether I would  be accepted, if I would have the support of friends and family, if my church would understand.  Could I do what He was calling me to do?  Somewhere in the process of trying to decide if I should, I forgot about Philippians 4:13.  I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.  If God is for me then who could possibly be against me.  If God is for me it does not matter who is supportive; I'm trying to please God, not man.  One of the greatest feelings of freedom is doing what you know God wants you to and not worrying about what others may think. 

So the next time you hear God calling you to something and asking you to step out of your comfort zone, don't hesitate to jump!  Take hold of the Master's hand, step out of the boat, and walk into what God has called you to do.

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9

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