
God's Flashlight

Today while playing a game with our oldest daughter, she cheated. We were playing Clue and at some point she looked at the cards while my husband and I were out of the room. I mean there was no other way she could have known that it was Mrs. Peacock in the kitchen with the knife. I know because my husband and I realized we didn't have enough players to really make the game work. When talking to her about why she had done it, it wasn't so much about winning the game (she and I were playing on the same side), for her it was just curiosity of what the future held, what the outcome of the game was going to be.

That got me to thinking...don't we do that with God?  How often have we wanted to take a peak at the hand God has dealt us, just out of curiosity, just out of wondering what the future game of our life will be like. The interesting thing about God is that when he deals, he doesn't give us our whole hand at one time. God, in his infinite wisdom, knows that in the grand scheme of things we probably couldn't handle it all - the good and the bad - so he just gives us little glimpses every now and again.

My Pastor's sweet wife, Sheree, once told me that God gives a flashlight and allows us to shine it around and we see bits and pieces of his plan but never the whole picture at one time. He never illuminates the whole room that is our life in one go. Maybe it's to protect us, maybe it's to give us the time to rely on him, maybe it's because he knows we couldn't handle all of the marvelous things he has in store for us. Whatever it may be, I think Sheree was right - God only gives us a small flashlight so that we have to keep coming back to him to see in the dark. She was a pretty smart woman and God is a great God.

So tonight, if you are wondering what God has in store for you or what is next down the road. Relax and rest in the knowledge that God has it and he has you and when you are ready, he'll give you the flashlight.

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