
Master Teacher

I am so thankful today that I have a God who forgives me when I fail. We all want the be the A+ student in the school of life but there are times when we find ourselves failing the assignments the Lord gives us. However, like the master teacher that He is, God allows us to have do-overs, to have retakes, to correct our mistakes. And for that I am most grateful because even though I try to live like I'm suppose to I know that I fail - I make mistakes, I sin - but I have a God who is bigger than all of that.

If you find yourself not doing as well on the test of life, then turn to the Master and ask Him to show you the way. Pray for His help and guidance. Pray for Him to show you areas of your life that you are failing. Then trust that He will help you correct those things and guide you down His path. There is no greater teacher in this crazy life than God, and for that, I'm so thankful.

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