
Revealing Your Works

As I was scrolling through social media, I saw a post where someone was talking about all the things they had done for others and how through those actions they had shown God's love.  At first, my reaction was "oh that is great", but then the longer the post went on the more it became about them and the less it became about God. 

Proverbs 27:2 encourages us to let others sing our praises and not ourselves.  It is easy to want others to know what we have done and the accomplishments we have made.  We fear if we don't tell people, then they won't know.  The problem with that is that it can very quickly turn from how God has allowed us to do all these wonderful things that will glorify Him, to glorifying ourselves and our actions. 

Now, don't get me wrong, praise isn't discouraged in the Bible, but self-made praise is.  You have to be careful not to brag or boast.  God desires us to have a humble heart and attitude.  He wants us to give Him the glory and to remind others that we cannot do things without Him.  SO the next time you are tempted to let others know about all your good deeds, hold tight - the Lord will reveal your works for His glory, in His time, and will reward you for how you advance the Kingdom.

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