
What's YOUR burning bush?

When God wanted Moses to go and rescue the Israelites from bondage in Egypt, He caught Moses' attention through a burning bush. God probably knew that ANYONE would stop when seeing a tree on fire that was NOT being consumed. God knew he would need to wake Moses up and used some pretty dramatic imagery to do so. What's your burning bush? Has God been trying to get your attention to complete a mission He has set aside for you? Has the business of life caused you to miss your burning bush? Has the fear of failure caused you to turn away and ignore God trying to get your attention? Life is busy, trust me I know! Just this morning I was looking at my calendar and every day is getting fuller and fuller, but we all need to take time to breathe and ask God to open our eyes to the things that He wants us to do. Let's try this weekend not to get so caught up in our "busyiness" that we forget to tune in to what the Lord has for us. I pray this weekend that you seek from the Lord and ask Him how you can best fulfill the mission He has for your life. I pray you keep your eyes open for YOUR burning bush!

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