
But then...

How often do we find ourselves out on the boat in the middle of the storm?  The waves are crashing and threatening to overtake us, the lightning is striking nearby, and the fear is threatening to send us back to the safety of the shore.  Sometimes the storm is in our minds, so tangled in our daily lives that it is always threatening to start.  Sometimes the storm is in our jobs, watching others rush ahead of us that we wonder if our boat is leaking.  Sometimes the storm is our marriage, so complicated and volatile that we can’t see a way to the sunshine again.

But no matter what storm we are facing in our lives we have a God who can calm the storms and offers peace.  The key is that we must trust, believe and have faith.  Even the disciples struggled with this.  In the middle of a lake, in the middle of the storm, they struggled to remember that Jesus would always care for them and that God held them in the palm of his hand.  As the waves battered the boat and the winds whipped them around, the disciples cried out in fear of perishing.  But there in the middle of the lake, walking on the water was Christ.  He admonished the disciples for having little faith and wondered why they were so afraid (Matthew 8:26).  But then, instead of questioning them more about why they couldn’t believe him, why they didn’t trust that He would keep them safe, He calms the storms.  The wind quiets down and the waves still.

That’s the thing about God, He always has a “but then”.  No matter how much we question him or how much our faith lacks when the storms of life batter us, God always comes through.  He may not stop the storm like Jesus did for the disciples, but He will take our hand and help us guide the boat through the storm.  He will walk with us until we come out on the other side and see the sunshine.  God calms the tumult of his people in the midst of their storms (Psalm 65:7), the only thing He asks is to have faith.

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