
God is NOT a Microwave

We live in a world where we want things and we want them NOW!  I don’t want to wait for the pizza delivery guy when I want a hot cheese pizza, I don’t want to wait for the car that is driving the speed limit (and don’t even get me started on the left lane), I don’t want to wait in the car line at school when they should have opened the door 4 minutes ago! 

We live in a world of the microwave culture.  We have become so used to getting things at a fast pace, that waiting drives us crazy.  We want to move things along.  As a society, we have come to apply the microwave mentality to everything.  We use self-checkout lines because we believe we can do it faster.  We use the restaurant’s drive-through because it takes too long sometimes to run in and place an order.  We stream music and movies instead of going to the theatre or going out to rent them because we can get them instantaneously.  We rush our children to hurry along and grow up excessively fast.  We even sometimes turn to God and want Him to deliver things to us at microwave speed.

However, God is NOT a microwave.  God does not always rush along with the things we want.  When we pray to God for an answer, a solution to a problem, or a blessing, we expect Him to deliver it right away.  We expect God to hear our prayers, microwave us up a solution in seconds, and deliver it to us.   Thank God that He does not work that way!  Now, do not get me wrong, sometimes God gives us the answers right away, sometimes the blessings appear just when we need them most….but sometimes they don’t. Remember what 2 Peter 3:8 says, “but do not forget this one thing dear friends: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day”.  God knows the bigger picture and in his infinite wisdom, He decides that we are not ready. 

Maybe God knows that if we got that blessing right away, we would not be as grateful for it.  Maybe He knows that the answer to the prayer will require some sacrifice on our part and He knows we are not spiritually or emotionally ready for that commitment yet.  Maybe He knows that there is a lesson to be learned from the mistake we made, a problem of our own creation, and God knows if He solved it for us we would never learn the lessons we need to.  Maybe it is a lesson on how to trust Him and have faith, and those often times end up being the hardest lessons to learn.  Life is not that burger place (you know the one) and you cannot always have it your way!  

God may not do things at microwave speed, but we can trust that He is always working for our good.  He hears our prayers; we just have to learn to trust His timing.  Acts 1:7 says “He said to them ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority’”.  So the next time you ask God for something and perhaps His response does not come as quickly as you like, remember, God is working on your behalf to make sure that what you’ve ordered up is perfect in His sight and His will.  Take comfort today in knowing that good things are coming, just not necessarily at microwave speed, but at “God speed”.  


The Shining Face of God

My mom was having a mini crisis.....she was scheduled to have breakfast with the new VP of her company and some other folks.  It was going to be the first time she had met this woman and she had heard LOTS of things about this lady, and I don't mind telling you that most were not good.  Mom had some apprehension, some nervousness, and some discontent.  

We were on FaceTime and discussing the situation.  My mom was concerned about how this woman would receive her and what she would think of her.  She was concerned that this woman was going to make a decision on the type of employee she was based on this one meeting and her decision could impact mom’s future with this company.  She was worried about the impression she would make. 

Now I also don’t mind telling you that my mom and I share a trait – everything, and I mean everything, that we are thinking and feeling is written on our face!  It’s hard for us to hide when we are happy, sad, angry, or think you are an idiot.  As I was talking to my mom it was written all over her face how she felt about the situation.  I knew she wanted to make a good impression and I also know that my mother loves Jesus.  I wanted to make sure that she was reflecting the love of God when she spoke and looked at these people. 

I thought about something our pastor had preached on several weeks ago.  He told the story in Exodus 34 where Moses receives the tablets and commandments from the Lord.  When Moses came down from the mountainside his face was so radiant with the glory of the Lord that they had to put a veil over him because it hurt to look at him.  Could you imagine the scene?  Here comes Moses who no one has seen for the last 40 days and nights because he has been with God.  And now here he is and they can’t even stand to look at him!  God’s power and glory and love and graciousness in not leaving these people to die is written all over Moses’ face! 

That was what I wanted these people to see when they looked at my mom.  I wanted them to see a woman who loves God, who is compassionate and gentle in her spirit, a woman who prays without ceasing for those she loves and even those she doesn’t.  I told mom to remember the story of Moses and to pray that when these people talked with her and looked at her, that all they saw was the glory of the Lord on her face. I also talked to her about remembering her worth in the eyes of the Lord and whose she was – but that’s another blog for another day….

I don’t know what you are facing or what set of giants you are about to meet but I do know you are not alone.  I know that the love of the Father can shine brighter than any circumstance you have.  Maybe you are meeting people who will be deciding your future, maybe you are meeting someone who has hurt you, maybe you are just meeting strangers along the way….either way I encourage you to show the glory of the Lord on your face.  Let God’s power, glory and love shine so bright that people have to look away and say “where can I get that radiance”.

Well Hello....Again

Yes, I know, I promised to be back and it’s been a while but once again LIFE.  It is inevitable that life is going to creep up and bite us when we least expect it.  I would love to tell you that while I’ve been gone that I won the lottery, moved to a tropical island and everything has been sunshine and roses but I don’t want to lie to you.  Life has been an absolute mess for the last several months and I have had to adjust to more things than I ever thought possible…..dome good, some bad, some just some. 

The one thing I have held on to though has been Jesus…..He has been my guide and my comforter; my shield and fortress as life battered the walls of my heart; the anchor as my ship of belief was tossed.  I’ve come out on the other side stronger and only because the Lord has never once left my side.  So I’d love to say that I’m going to be back full time, every day but I don’t want to deceive myself or you.  So, I’ll be back, as life allows and more importantly as the Spirit leads me.  I’ve learned so much since April and since my world tilted on its axis and I hope to be able to share the things I’ve learned as I know the Lord has given me a story to tell.