
Social Media is NOT Your Battlefield

We recently had an acquaintance who was let go from her job.  I knew her to be a nice lady and a Christian, but I was shocked when she immediately took to Facebook to air all her grievances about her former employer and how unfairly she felt she had been treated.

This opened up the flood gates of comments from her "friends" about how terrible the facility was, how she should sue, bashing other people who worked at the facility, and the list goes on and on.  To make things worse, she participated in the comments and the bashing.  Now don't get me wrong, this might have hurt the facility's image just a little bit, but it more than anything hurt her Christian image and how I now viewed her Christian walk.

I'm not trying to bash my friend, I understand that she was upset and wanted to vent, but social media cannot be your battlefield and should never be the first place you go when upset.  When you find yourself in a situation where you feel wronged, or hurt, go to the Master.  Tell Him, not social media, about your problems and how you feel and let Him work it all out.

Your "friends" will immediately give you advice, tell you how sorry they are, and take your side - but none of them will actually come to your aid.  Not a single person who was commenting on her post was going to march to that facility and get her job back, BUT God could open a window to a new situation for her, a better situation.  Exodus 14:14 tells us that God will fight for us but that we have to be still and allow Him to work.  If you ask, God will even send his angels to fight for you (Psalm 91:11). 

So the next time you feel wronged or are just having a really terrible day, go to the Father and tell Him all about it.  Pray to Him to help you, not your "friends".  I've learned from experience that usually when a door slams shut in your face, He's waiting to open another one, we just need to ask.


God Bless the USA

As we approach this holiday celebrating the foundation of our Nation, I encourage you to pray for our country. You don't have to agree with everything that goes on and it doesn't have to be political, it only has to be human. Pray to our Lord for guidance for our leaders.  Pray for those who live in our country without homes, without jobs, without health care.  Pray for the plight that drugs have caused in our country and that those who suffer from addiction of any sort will come to know the Father that can make them whole. Pray that we learn as a country to love our fellow man. Pray that those who do not know the love, care, mercy, and grace of our mighty Lord and Savior will come to have a personal relationship with Him. May God bless and protect the United States of America